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Hebrew Words

Aifoh - Where
Anglit - English
Aruchat ha'boker - Breakfast
Aruchat ha'erev - Supper
Aruchat ha'tzohorayim - Lunch
Baruch habah - Welcome
Baruch Habah - Welcome (e.g. welcome to our home)
Bevakasha - You are welcome
B'kamah ze oleh - How much does it cost
Boker tov - Good morning
Bunk -Bank
Chanut (chanoot) - Shop
Chaverim - Friends
Erev tov - Good evening
Ha'mashiach - The Messiah
Ivrit - Hebrew
Kafeh - Coffee
Lailah tov - Good night
Lechem - Bread
Lehitraoth - "See you again"
Ma shlomcha - How are you (to a male)
Ma shlomeich - How are you (to a female)
Malon - Hotel
Misadah - Restaurant
Mishpachah - Family
Mishtarah - Police
Mitz - Juice
Monit - Taxi
Otobus - Bus
Rakevet - Train
Ri'bonoh shel olam - Lord of the world
Rofeh - Doctor
S’de te-ufah - Airport
Sha'alu Sh'lom Yerushalayim - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
Shabbat - Sabbath
Shalom - Peace (also used as a greeting)
Tachanah ha-merkazit - Central bus station
Tachanah ha-rakevet - Train station
Teih - Tea
Todah - Thanks
Todah La'el - Thank G-d
Tov - Good
Yerushalayim - Jerusalem
Yeshua - Jesus
Yisrael - Israel
Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:23
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