Wesley Jones

Wesley, a believer and follower of Yeshua, the King of Israel.

I am 39 years old and was born in Pretoria. I came to Salvation in 1993 and was then baptized in 1999.
I attended school in Pretoria and matriculated in 2003. After I left school I knew that the Lord was preparing me for ministry.
I worked in Pretoria until 2009 and I believe the Lord knew what He was doing in my life.

I began working in a hospital in Sandton, Johannesburg and I knew that the Lord had planted me there. Little did I know that between 2003 and 2009 the Lord was building a passion in my heart for the Jewish people and Israel.
I believe the Lord planted me at the hospital in Sandton because Sandton has a big Jewish population.

In the same year of 2009 I came across a Christian television program and I heard a Pastor by the name of John Hagee who constantly spoke about Israel and the Jewish people. What impacted me was when he said that the Bible refers Israel as the Apple of Gods Eye.
After this I searched in the church which I attend in Pretoria to see if they did not partner with a Jewish Ministry.
In September 2009 at a conference known as the Faith Promise conference I walked past the stalls of the different Ministries and came across a stall where a Messianic ministry known as Emet Ministries exhibited.

From that time, the Lord has been working with me and the passion He has planted in my heart for the Jewish people and the Land of Israel has grown day by day.
Ever since I came across Emet Ministries have I been diligently supporting Emet Ministries, and I now serve on the leadership of Emet Ministries as a Board member.

If I had to have my life over again, there is nothing I would change regarding my passion for the Jewish people and Israel as well as my love and passion for the Lord.

I end this bio with the covenant God made with Abraham, the father of the Jewish people: “I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3)